Sunday, January 02, 2011


Im gonna talk about "empty"
Which is related to the previous post on asking about "reaping and sowing"

Some days before
the term "reaping and sowing" came into my mind
while im talking to Yanzhi
Hence i was thinking of what does God wants me to know this time round
after days and days and thinking and prayer
i think i got my answer in hillsong's song "desert song"

the very last part of the songs goes:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

And it just happen to Nail Down into the cg multiplication emotions!
2010 had indeed been a year of reaping and sowing and harvesting
(even thought it is not obverse-with all the trails and challenges)
but think about it.
cg had grown so much
personal life as well
And becoz of this harvest
We are all at our comfort zone relaxing

But this year
it will be different
I feel that everyone of us are now EMPTIED
God had emptied all of us
our emotions, strongholds, harvest etcs
inorder to make us grow much more
God has to endure this "painful" process

Because we were emptied
we will feel that SPRING seems soooo FAR
but NAH HUH! spring is indeed coming
we just have to set ourselves right to start this year!
which will be a year of blessings
but at the same time
we will feel that we are at a new and strange place (because we are emptied la~ )
God will give us new seeds to Sow
and this is when our new harvest comes!

But one reminder
Not all seeds are will produce good fruits
Bad fruits will affect the others
so in the process of sowing
if you realise that the fruit is turning to be bad
(something that will bring u far from God, eg:anger, bitterness)
you have to THROW away tt fruit!

Bad things do happen
And God allows it!
to help us to be more like Christ!

2011 will be different!
A better year yet!

With love


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